

What We Do

Aurelia aims to assist in shaping a society that is accepting and inclusive of autistic individuals and related neurodevelopmental conditions by educating and empowering the community. Through support, advice and guidance to parents, teachers and healthcare professionals, we hope to improve services and opportunities for autistic individuals to fulfil their potential.

Aurelia provides a range of services and autism training to increase knowledge and empower individuals to provide the best support possible for autistic individuals.

Our services are catered to have you at the forefront. We ensure tailored services to meet your needs.

Our Services

Online training

Our E-learning courses aims to assist you in practical knowledge in how to aid and support autistic individuals in the environment you find yourself in. These courses are aimed specifically for parents, healthcare workers, schools and facilitators. Courses will be continually updated and expanded on.

School support

School support programs entail training for teachers and staff in autism knowledge, creating an inclusive learning environment and providing resources to be used in the classroom setting. Schools can enquire about any of our services, including school observations and consultation services within the school setting.

Home support

We develop individualized home support programs for families to help their autistic child thrive and lead a quality life. Families and professionals work together to use the natural environment and everyday activities to assist in creating a supportive and accommodating environment while equipping the individual with vital concepts and skills into the future.


We offer consulting or advisory services to parents or professionals.

Resources and visuals

We offer differing resources and visual aids to our community. Keep an eye on this page for the latest developments.

Counselling and psycho-educational support

We provide counselling and psycho-educational services to autistic individuals, their families and the broader community.

Aurelia connect

As professionals, autistic individuals and families alike, we understand that it is difficult to navigate the system and that guidance is needed to support them. By creating a community, we hope to connect people, organizations, job opportunities, and information within the neurodiverse sector.


+27 79 651 9660